Our Network:

Our data center is located in North America and is staffed 24/7/365. There are multiple OC48 SONET fiber rings that provide basic connectivity to eight access carriers. The data center is completely redundant, including a 2200 gallon backup diesel generator. There are over 580 smoke detectors throughout the 35,000 square foot facility, with a VESDA contaminate system.

At JIKOmetrix we only team up with the very best in hardware and network vendors to provide you the quality you need to run a smooth operation. That is why we are proud to state that all of our operations are actually located in Equinix IBX!

Cisco Network We deploy and maintain only the most reliable in Cisco hardware. This means that whether you're using 1GB/mo or 20Mbps bandwidth, you'll find the transfer speeds to be steady and reliable. We've also combined some of the best Tier 1 bandwidth providers to provide you a backbone that is both versatile and again encompasses only the highest level of reliability. See below for details:

We currently use a multihomed network to:

  • GTT
  • Deft
  • DigitalBridge
  • Edgio
  • Networks
  • CenturyLink
  • Lumen Technologies
  • Hurricane Electric

Equinix's connectivity to over 200 networks boasts favor across the entire IT industry, but further to that, they are able to connect clients to providers that serve over 90% of the world's Internet networks. It is no wonder we have gone with such a powerful provider as part of our high-availability infrastructure. With some of the largest names in the IT industry being hosted at various Equinix facilities, their reputation as the most popular and indeed most reliable data center is evident. A short list of the companies which utilize this same network are: IBM, Google, Sony Online, General Electric, Electronic Arts, Primedia/About.com, Hotwire, Yahoo!, Microsoft, XMRadio, and YouTube.

As always, at JIKOmetrix we are more than happy to answer any questions you may have. If you find that the information presented above doesn't entirely answer your questions, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will be able to answer them more thoroughly.


2603 S. Washington St. STE120
Naperville, Illinois 60565

Phone: 630.759.9283
E-mail: support@jikometrix.net


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  • Web Development
  • Web Hosting
  • Hosted PBX Systems
  • All Inclusive Websites
  • Cloud File Sharing
  • Data Center Services