Eco Friendly Hosting And Data Center ServicesOur data centers have established themselves as leaders in sustainable cloud services through several key environmental initiatives:

Innovative Cooling Technology

They have developed a unique water-cooling system that significantly reduces energy consumption in their data centers:
  • 70% of server heat is captured by liquid cooling
  • This system eliminates the need for air conditioning
  • Achieves a Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) between 1 and 1.2, which is better than average for data centers

Renewable Energy Commitment

They have ambitious goals for renewable energy usage:
  • Aims to use 100% low-carbon energy by 2025
  • Plans to utilize renewable sources like hydroelectricity and wind power

Carbon Footprint Reduction

The company has established concrete targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions:
  • 73.4% reduction in Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2030 (compared to 2022)
  • 52% reduction in Scope 3 emissions per unit of value added by 2030 (compared to 2022)

Circular Economy and Waste Reduction

Our data centers emphasizes sustainable practices throughout its operations:
  • Zero waste to landfill goal by 2025
  • Implements circular economy principles in the supply chain
  • Designs servers for easy reuse and repair

Sustainable Infrastructure Design

The company takes a holistic approach to sustainability:
  • Builds and designs its own servers and data centers
  • Optimizes the entire production chain for minimal environmental impact
  • Retrofits existing buildings for data centers instead of building new ones

hosting - Industry RecognitionIndustry Recognition

Their efforts have gained recognition in the industry:
  • Approved by the Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi) for its emission reduction goals
  • Member of the VMware Zero Carbon Committed initiative
While our data centers demonstrate a strong commitment to environmental initiatives, it's worth noting that some specialized green hosting providers may offer additional Eco-friendly features. However, our data center's scale and comprehensive approach to sustainability make it a standout option for environmentally conscious cloud services.


2603 S. Washington St. STE120
Naperville, Illinois 60565

Phone: 630.759.9283


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  • Web Development
  • Web Hosting
  • Hosted PBX Systems
  • All Inclusive Websites
  • Cloud File Sharing
  • Data Center Services