Backup Your Google Workspace / Office 365 Email, Drive, Contacts, Calendar and Sharepoint Today.

Google Workspace & Office 365 provide no point in time recovery for your data.

How It Works

microsoft office 365It is important to understand how Google Workspace & Office 365 address data retention and integrity so you know what you are working with. Both, Google Workspace & Office 365, are known as high availability infrastructures. For example if a data center had a problem, you still have access to you email and your data. If a cluster server goes down, you still have access to you email and your data. It does not backup your data. They give you access to your data.

It is often misunderstood that the Google Workspace & Office 365 cloud environments keep your data safe by backing up your data. Google Workspace & Office 365 do not backup your data, they only provide a high availability infrastructure for your data. This mean you always have access to what is on their system.

Google Workspace & Office 365 Backup Solution
What You Need To Know

While reliable access is good for everyday needs, neither Google Workspace or Office 365 provide any point in time recovery for your email, drive, contacts, calendar or sharepoint.

If any email is lost due to malware, hacked account, disgruntled employee or other means of deleting data, Google Workspace & Office 365 do not provide a means of recovery from some point in time.  

It is your responsibility to backup your data. There is a big difference between accessing your data and being able to get your data back if lost.

A Reliable Managed Solution

Backup Office 365JIKOmetrix does offer a Google Workspace / Office 365 backup solution that will backup  email, drive, contacts, calendar and sharepoint. The pricing works like this.

$46 per User per Year
$50 per 100GB Storage block per Year

Example, let's say you have 10 licensed users. The annual licensing for 10 users is $460. Additionally in our example,  you are using about 100GB for storage for email, drive, contacts, calendar and sharepoint. Let's say you wanted to have a combination of full retention of email and 60 day retention drive items while holding on to the last version of any file backed up. We will go with a four times standard, 4 x 100GB = 400GB at an annual fee of $200.

In the above example, you can implement solid, automated backup solution for your email, drive, contacts, calendar and sharepoint for just $660 annually with 60 day retention policy based on above sample usage.

Take Action Today By Calling (630)759-9283

Let us know if this is something you'd like to implement by calling (630)759-9283 x1001. JIKOmetrix does all of the work and confirms your backups are running.

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Call today (630)759-9283 for your 15 day trial!

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2603 S. Washington St. STE120
Naperville, Illinois 60565

Phone: 630.759.9283


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